A Prayer Blanket: A Gift of Comfort and Hope

Last month, my dear prayer partner, Heidi, surprised me with the most thoughtful gift for my birthday – a prayer blanket. This beautiful, blanket was meant to be a tangible symbol of our prayers for our future baby and represent hope after the ones we have sadly lost to miscarriage.

It was clear that my friend had put a lot of thought and heart into this gift, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of comfort and hope knowing that she had sent something so meaningful to us.

Each morning I hold the prayer blanket in my hands and pray over our future little one and the growth of our family. As I pray I feel a sense of warmth and reassurance wash over me. It’s as if the love and care from our friend oozes through this precious gift. I feel a powerful sense of love, not just for my husband and me, but for our family and child.

Heidi explained that the blanket was meant to be a physical reminder of our unwavering faith and the power of prayer. Whenever I feel overwhelmed or lost, I can simply wrap myself in the blanket and know that we are not alone. It also serves as a testimony for our baby. Once our baby is here, this baby that has been prayed over by many, will be wrapped up in this blanket as a symbol of unwavering faith and love for him.

The prayer blanket has become a source of solace and strength for me, as we continue to navigate through God’s movement in our life and in our family. It has also served as a tangible symbol of the love and support that our friends and family have shown us during our marriage and seasons of infertility, pregnancy, loss, adoption steps…..and all that Darin and I have endured as a couple trying to grow our family over the years.

In the face of adversity, the prayer blanket has been a beacon of hope, reminding us that even in the darkest moments, we are never truly alone.

We will continue to hold onto this precious gift, using it to guide us through our journey and to strengthen our faith in the power of prayer. It sits with me every morning as I pray. I can’t wait to tell our son the love that was exhibited to him long before he was even brought home to us.

If you have a friend or family member who has done something so thoughtful for you, make sure you pray for them and be thankful for them daily. Good friends are truly hard to find…..but when you do, they bring hope and love that only can be a symbol of Christ in our lives.


Attending a Friend's Orthodox Christian Baptism